Bunji, Faye-Ann and The Asylum Band

Bunji Garlin, Faye-Ann Lyons and The Asylum Band in pictures
Bunji Garlin, Faye-Ann Lyons and The Asylum Band

TriniSoca.com Reporters
Event Date: January 23, 2008

By far the biggest and most exciting event in the Soca in the Square series so far, Bunji, Faye-Ann and the Asylum band gave the audience a fantastic show on Wednesday, 23rd January, 2008. The Square was tightly packed, more so than the first two days, with working adults and school children coming to see the ‘Fireman’ and friends firsthand.

The show began with the introduction of costume-clad ladies showcasing the sections of Ronnie Mac Intosh’s Carnival band. The crowd showed their appreciation for the spectacle but also showed their great anticipation for what was to come.

Not too long after, Bunji Garlin burst onto the scene accompanied by his wife, the vivacious and equally talented Faye-Ann Lyons. Both had excellent control of the audience with their charisma and charm. Singing hits such as “Fireman”, “Gimme de Brass”, “Mash up” and “Firey”, Bunji Garlin proved his staying power in the Soca industry and simultaneously validated his position as the artiste of the people. Lyons also had the audience in a frenzy with her powerful voice and had them moving to her every command. The audience went wild with tunes such as “Move” and “Make Ah Stage” which has proven to be an excellent Road March contender.

Also joining them on stage were the energetic ‘Scarface’ who sang “Dollar” and Chutney Soca sensation ‘Hunter’ who, along with Bunji, sang “Bring de Rum” which sent the audience wild.

Adding another exciting dimension to the concert, Bunji and Faye-Ann invited members of the audience to sing or chant parts of their songs to win a bmobile sponsored cellphone. The winners, Krystal Rodney, Precious Roberts and Crystal all proved their worth in front of thousands who gave their approval.

The dynamic duo also invited members of the media on stage to take special pictures of them and the crowd moving left, right, back and front according to their instructions.

The fiery performances today were quite powerful and moving and arguably the best of the series thus far. It is yet to be seen if the next two days of the Soca in the Square series will be up to par.

Bunji Garlin, Faye-Ann Lyons and The Asylum Band in pictures:

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