Winsford ‘Joker’ Devine Speaks Reporters
September 12, 2007

Winsford 'Joker' DevineCreator of such Calypso gems as “Progress”, “In Time to Come”, “Somebody”, “Steelband Woman”, “Saltfish”, “This World Don’t Like Nothing Black”, “Phillip My Dear”, “Take Me Back Africa”, “Too Young to Soca” “In Time to Come”, “Save our Domestics”, Winsford ‘Joker’ Devine is undoubtedly one of the greatest songwriters of our time. His compositions range from the bacchanal and sexual topics of the Soca genre to the serious social commentaries that analyse and enrich our social space. Over the past 40 years, his compositions have been sung by many singers including ‘Crazy’, ‘Sparrow’, Machel Montano, ‘Singing Francine’, ‘Mighty Trini’, Charlene Boodram, ‘Sugar Aloes’, Marcia Miranda, Karen Asche, ‘Poser’, ‘Baron’, ‘Explainer’, ‘Blakie’ and ‘King Austin’. Many of these songs have become classics of the Calypso artform, but in an arena where most of the public recognition goes to the singer, many persons are unaware of Joker’s involvement. In this extensive interview with, this prolific Soca/Calypso composer talks frankly and vividly about his compositions, the state of the Calypso artform and his general life experiences.
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1 Responses to “Winsford ‘Joker’ Devine Speaks”

  • I totally enjoyed the interview and find that it really tells us a lot of what we already suspected that needed clarification. Winsford Devine is a composer that I have admired for a long time. The thing is that I would have admired him a lot earlier if I knew that he was the writer of a lot of popular songs where the credit was given to the singer and not the writer as has been the case in Trinidad for a long time now. People, especially radio announcers (DJ’s) speak of Crazy’s song “In time to come” and Sparrow’s “Phillip my dear” Baron’s “Somebody” and many others, without even mentioning “written by Winsford “joker” Devine.It has been a Trini (west indian)thing for years, and needs to be put in the right perspective.Song writers must be given their due respect and recognition, especially in the case where the song becomes a hit.Yes, the performer plays a big part (to some people -the most important part, but that’s debatable)but without material that they are unable to compose for themselves, there would be no hit.
    Mr, Devine, in my opinion, is the best composer ever in the world of calypso and i think the consistency and number of great compositions justifies thsi statement.
    I would like to get the opportunity to meet him personally to chat a bit about composing calypsoes,as I myself am a composer of sorts, at an amateur level.
    My best regards to him and KEEP ON WRITING JOKER.

    Wayne Dopson

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