Daily Archive for January 24th, 2008

Bunji, Faye-Ann and The Asylum Band

Bunji Garlin, Faye-Ann Lyons and The Asylum Band in pictures
Bunji Garlin, Faye-Ann Lyons and The Asylum Band

TriniSoca.com Reporters
Event Date: January 23, 2008

By far the biggest and most exciting event in the Soca in the Square series so far, Bunji, Faye-Ann and the Asylum band gave the audience a fantastic show on Wednesday, 23rd January, 2008. The Square was tightly packed, more so than the first two days, with working adults and school children coming to see the ‘Fireman’ and friends firsthand.

The show began with the introduction of costume-clad ladies showcasing the sections of Ronnie Mac Intosh’s Carnival band. The crowd showed their appreciation for the spectacle but also showed their great anticipation for what was to come.
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